Dirt, Ladders, Feet

By on Jul 24, 2014

This is a keynote address I gave at the National Association of Baptist Enrollment Professionals Conference at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor this past week. Hope it’s helpful! Intro So you’re here at this conference for a number of reasons: to learn from others, to grow as a team, to network, to develop, because your boss said so. All good reasons to be here. And yet as our theme suggests, the reason for being here behind all those other reasons for being here is that you hope to be, in some sense, refreshed. It’s been a long year for you. Some of you have done lots of traveling—lots of living out of a suitcase, lots of nights alone in a hotel, lots of time spent in front of a booth talking to sometimes pleasant but often clueless and obnoxious high-schoolers. Some of you have done lots of campus tours. Some of you have made lots of phone calls. And some of you have done lots of planning to make sure all the traveling and campus touring and phone calling are being done in the right way, by the right people, at the right time, to ensure you get the right students in the right amount at your university come late August. Like I said, it’s been a long year, and next year, you do it all over again. And so you’re here to be refreshed because all of this is draining. Or to put it bluntly, you’re here because your job sucks. Now don’t misunderstand me. I don’t mean that your job is bad or un-enjoyable or something like that. I mean that your job, like all jobs, has a sneaky way of reaching down into your soul and taking things from you—important things like energy, joy, passion. Why do our jobs take these things from us, and how do we get them back?   Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 The book of Ecclesiastes starts off with a rather depressing poem:   “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher.“ Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.  The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.  Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.     Hebel As I said, this is depressing stuff. The writer looks at all the work that humans do—all the jobs and tasks and roles—and he says “Hebel, Hebel, completely hebel. Everything is hebel.” This Hebrew word hebel means something like meaningless, pointless, absurd. Humans busy themselves with all of this work, it consumes our lives, and yet in the end we’re nothing more than ants, moving dirt around in circles, building up little mounds that won’t last long and might as well not exist. Round and round and round we go and yet none of it matters. And you know this voice: the voice that says hebel, the voice that says “meaningless, pointless, absurd,” the voice that says your work doesn’t matter. It’s usually a whisper more than a shout—mocking your efforts, ridiculing your importance, accusing you of wasting your time. It wounds you, but not in obvious, auspicious ways. It’s more like…death by paper cuts.   Zombies I mean, we’ve all seen people who died in their jobs while they’re still living. They’re there, but they’re not really there. Something is gone, that light behind their eyes has gone out. They’re zombies, performing tasks but dead on the inside, living for a paycheck, hanging on for the next vacation so they can come back to life for a few days. And here’s the thing: nobody wants to be that person. I’ll go out on a limb and guess that none of you took your job so you could slowly die on the inside. That wasn’t one of the benefits in your package. But make no mistake—better people than you have died in their jobs, and if you don’t do something about it, that voice that says hebel, meaningless, pointless will get the best of you too, and it’ll be death by paper cuts. Because a human being can endure many difficult things in his or her work (crushing failures, nagging co-workers, ridiculous hours)—we can endure all this with a remarkable buoyancy and joy. But meaninglessness is the one burden we cannot bear for long and live to tell the tale. You need to do work that means something.   Todd I have a friend named Todd who works harder than anyone I’ve ever met. He runs a rehabilitation home for addicts, and seven days...

The Fickle Security of Eternal Security

By on Jun 23, 2014

Once Saved, Always? / Function, Not Validity Once saved, always saved—so the adage goes. Depending on your theological persuasion, there are other ways to say it: eternal security, perseverance of the saints, or more straight to the point—you can’t lose your salvation. It’s an interesting doctrine because it has wiggled its way into the theological bedrock of many theological systems, some of which differ fundamentally on other matters.   But rather than examining its validity as a biblical doctrine (for a good case against see Scot McKnight’s short book, A Long Faithfulness…for a good case for see chapter 6 in Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones’ PROOF), I’d like to examine its function because I’m not convinced the doctrine of eternal security provides as much security as some think. So as to function, what kind of security does the doctrine of eternal security really provide?   A Hypothetical “Backslider” Let’s say you have a friend who becomes a Christian // asks Jesus into her heart and starts following him // gets baptized…the whole nine yards. She is faithful with it for a while, going to church, participating in local and foreign missions trips, saying her prayers, reading her Bible, sharing her faith, being transformed by grace. But then a couple of years later, she drops the whole thing. She renounces her faith, burns her Bible, tries to un-share her faith with everyone she previously shared it with. And what’s more, she never returns to it—in fact, she just goes further and further off the deep end. Dream up the craziest scenario you can: she becomes a senator and tries to pass legislature that legalizes the imprisonment of Christians, she assassinates the Pope. You get the point.   So what happened to her? If you do not believe in the doctrine of eternal security (that is, you believe you can lose your salvation), then you probably think she “fell from grace”, lost her salvation (Hebrews 6:1-8). If you do believe in the doctrine of eternal security, what do you think happened to her? The basic answer is that she was never really saved. If you ascribe to eternal security (whether you’re a Calvinist or free-will theist or whatever) you assume that her faith and conversion could not have been genuine, because if so it would have persevered (a bit circular, but it sounds a bit like 1 Jn. 2:18-19 so we’ll let it slide). As my friends and good Calvinists Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones say it, “Where there is no perseverance in faithfulness, there was no faith in the first place.”[1]   But notice where this leaves us: both those who ascribe to eternal security and those who don’t agree that there is no assurance without perseverance. In the case of our hypothetical “backslider” above, they disagree regarding whether or not she actually “lost” her salvation but they agree that her lack of faithful perseverance puts her outside the realm of security. This agreement on “no assurance without perseverance” is rooted in the Bible. Simply put, when addressing people who have turned away from the faith, the biblical writers never invoke the idea of eternal security to comfort them. They call on “backsliders” to repent (Hebrews 2:1-4, 3:7-4:13, 5:11-6:12, 10:19-39, 12:1-29). They don’t tell them, “Well once saved, always saved…so if you were really saved you’ll repent and if not, you won’t.”   Conclusion All of this leaves me feeling as though eternal security tends to give you comfort when you don’t need it (that is, when you’re persevering in your faith) and no comfort when you do (that is, when you’ve rejected your faith and probably don’t even want the comfort it supposedly offers). In a sense, eternal security only gives comfort to those who are already secure in their faith and are following Jesus (although even those of us secure in our faith can certainly use some comfort now and again). Perhaps it gives some comfort to those on the fringes of faith, but it is fickle comfort because what happens if you fall off the fringes? Your comfort is gone (or so would say the writers of Scripture), regardless your belief in eternal security.   To be clear, none of this has anything to do with the validity of the doctrine, nor is it meant to patronize the importance of it. It’s just an observation that, to me at least, eternal security isn’t quite the security blanket many think it is. If you are, like Luther was, a tortured conscience filled with angst in regards to whether or not you’ve done enough to please God, the remedy is the stunningly gracious and faithful God revealed in Jesus Christ (justification by grace through faith is a beautiful and central piece of this bigger picture) and not so much eternal security, even if you think eternal security necessarily follows from it. Perhaps that’s a bit of an overstatement, but not much.   These are merely some observations and not settled certitudes, so what do you think? Am I underplaying its function? [1] PROOF,...

Review: A Farewell to Mars

By on Jun 12, 2014

A Farewell to Mars (by Brian Zahnd) is a difficult book to read.   The writing is crisp, the arguments sound, the imagery vivid, but it is nevertheless a difficult read because it forces us to confront some of our ugliest demons—violence as a means to justice, our (supposed) inalienable right to self-preservation, scapegoating, and most of all, our systematic attempt to make the Bible say things about violence that it simply doesn’t say.   Brian’s argument stands (or at least seems to me) on three legs. 1.) The clear teachings of Jesus against violence and retaliation (Matthew 5). 2.) The crucifixion of Jesus as paradigmatic for Christian interaction with “enemies” and the deepest peek into the heart of God. 3.) The belief that Jesus is right now ruling and judging the world (the kingdom of God is in our midst).   It’s pretty hard to argue against the first leg, so the typical course of action is to try and think of exceptions—Hitler, some hostage situation, etc. Those who are looking for reasons to justify violence then attempt to use the exceptions to undercut the rule of nonviolence and enemy love. Virtually everything becomes an exception (funny how that happens) and Jesus’ teaching and crucifixion are relegated to the “spiritual” realm so the big boys and girls can go on doing what needs to be done to run the world. Brian is delightfully ruthless in exposing this line of thinking.   But not everyone who wrestles with Jesus’ teachings about nonviolence and his crucifixion are looking for excuses to justify violence. There are noble reasons for wrestling with it as well. C.S. Lewis comes to mind. In his essay, “Why I Am Not a Pacifist”, he goes the utilitarian/greater good route and argues that while war is a great evil, it is sometimes a lesser evil than not going to war. He feels that outright pacifism (which I should go ahead and point out, Brian does not come right out and argue for) cannot be sustained because “then you have handed over the state which does tolerate Pacifists to its totalitarian neighbor who does not.”[1]   I think most thoughtful Christians go this route: violence is wrong and deeply incongruous with Christian faith, but in a broken world, ruled by the powers and principalities of darkness, it is sometimes the best we can do. In other words, we should take nonviolence and enemy love seriously up until the point they really threaten our well-being or the well-being of others. This line of thinking makes good sense to me. I am comfortable with it. It is realistic. C.S. Lewis endorsed it! But is it biblical?   Here’s where the second leg comes in and Brian brings us again and again to the crucifixion where we are forced to feel the irony of the “violence is sometimes a greater good” argument as we stare up at the crucified Messiah. Can we look up at Jesus crucified and tell ourselves that nonviolence and enemy love are only meant to be taken seriously up until the point they threaten our well-being or the well-being of others? That’s a tough sell. It takes a sustained effort to avoid choking on the irony. As Brian says it, “Jesus was willing to die for that which he was unwilling to kill for. Jesus won his kingdom by dying, not killing.” (185)   Ok, so Jesus didn’t take it seriously up until a point, but the crucifixion is an exception—the most unique event in the history of the world. We have to be more discerning and sober-minded because we’re not Jesus dying for the sins of the world. It’s a clever move—I tend to make it. But the problem with it is the Bible’s relentless affirmation that the crucifixion is the event that should most mark the lives of Jesus’ followers. It is unique and unrepeatable, but it is also paradigmatic. So while it’s exceptional, it’s not an exception—it’s the rule. We can kick leg two around, but it’s pretty sturdy.   The third leg is, I think, the most provocative and complex assertion in the book; namely, that Jesus is, right now, ruling and judging the world. In chapter 7, Brian implies it was the epiphany at the heart of his journey: “Perceiving the kingdom of God as an actual political reality is a game changer…The problem with the chaplaincy view of Christianity is the assumption that the kingdom (government) of God has yet to come.” (155-156)   Read the book for the details (and there’s lots of good biblical rationale to substantiate the claim), but the basic line of thought is that the Bible clearly claims that Jesus, in some very real sense, is right now at the right hand of God, ruling and judging the world. The kingdom of God, in a very real sense, has come. It is, right now, in our midst (Luke 17:20-21). And here’s where the rubber meets the road.   If the kingdom of God is really a viable reality in our midst and Jesus is really ruling and judging the world right now, then we can’t tell ourselves the world needs us to fight against the powers and principalities of darkness with violence in the interim between now and the second-coming to keep the world from spiraling out of control. Such logic betrays the belief that Jesus...

My Review of Kevin’s Review

By on May 16, 2014

Here’s my review of what I thought, generally speaking, was a fair review of my book by Kevin DeYoung. I’ll focus in on a few key critiques and offer some responses.   #1…Really Reformed?   It’s worth noting the chronology in Fischer’s journey. He became a Calvinist in high school (p.8) and started rethinking his Calvinism already as a freshman in college (p.19), which is not a lot of time to explore the depths of the Reformed tradition. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t sincerely Reformed and couldn’t understand the basic contours of election and reprobation, but it does put his “deconversion” story in context…What it does mean is that this is not the journey of a lifelong Calvinist or a deeply entrenched Reformed thinker who threw in the towel, as much as it is the story of ana earnest young Christian who didn’t grow up Reformed, was never trained to be Reformed, but who embraced Reformed soteriology for a short time as a teenager before he found a better alternative in the Arminianism of his esteemed professors. –DeYoung   #1…Response   I’ve discovered a 6th point of Calvinism!…the perseverance of the Calvinism of someone who is truly a Calvinist :). I jest, but the basic point that there is a “point of no return” (by which I mean a point where you are so steeped in a worldview that de-conversion is basically impossible), and that I wasn’t there yet is fair enough, though a red herring of sorts that isn’t really helpful.   In particular, I think it subtly implies that my de-conversion was rooted in a misunderstanding of Calvinism and if I had only stuck with it longer and understood it better, things might have been different. I call this a red herring because no one has been able to point out what I didn’t understand about Calvinism. Would I have been less likely to de-convert had I been a Calvinist for 20 years instead of 5? Of course, but that’s not really saying much.   #2…Is Reformed Theology Represented Accurately?   I believe Fischer has tried hard to be fair with Calvinism. He does not make ad hominem arguments. He does not take cheap shots. But despite these good intentions, Fischer’s arguments suffer from a lack of familiarity with important distinctions frequently cited in the Reformed tradition. For example, Fischer suggests that Calvinists believe that when people are raped, maimed, murdered, and tortured that God ultimately did those things to them (p.21). What’s missing here is an awareness of the distinction between remote and primary causes. No Calvinist I know would say God rapes people. God is never the “doer” of evil. Arminians may not find the distinction compelling, but Reformed theologians have always made clear there is a difference between God ordaining what comes to pass and the role of human agency in actually and voluntarily performing the ordained action. –DeYoung   #2…Response   Now we’re getting somewhere! The issues involved here are certainly tricky and here was the tightrope I tried to walk while writing.   I am well aware of the various nuances in the Calvinist doctrines of primary and second causes. I leaned on them during my time as a Calvinist. God doesn’t actively cause sin and evil; rather, God withholds the grace that humans need to do good and once he does that, they sin “freely” (that is, in a compatibilistic sense). Augustine, Calvin, Edwards, Piper and Helm all make different accents, but this is the basic line of thought: although God “ordains” sin and evil, God is never the actual doer of sin and evil. God ordains it but humans still freely do it and are responsible for it (=compatibilism).   So I wanted to do justice to all of that while at the same time not getting so bogged down in the red tape and causal euphemisms that I failed to communicate what I found to be the inevitable conclusion of consistent Calvinism; namely, evil and sin and hell exist, ultimately, because God wanted (in a STRONG sense of the term) them to. To borrow the example DeYoung cites, I completely agree with him: no Calvinist believes God rapes people (of course!!!!). However much worse than that, I don’t see how a Calvinist cannot conclude that the overwhelming majority of humans who have ever existed will be damned, ultimately, because God wanted them to and to that end, set in motion events that would guarantee their damnation.   So should I have gone into more detail regarding all the nuances of causation in Calvinism? I think it’s a fair request for Kevin to make and if I had it to do over I would. However, I do think that the New Calvinism has been very coy with the way it has cloaked the doctrines of determinism, compatiblism, and double predestination in euphemisms, neutering them of their intelligibility and substance. Since writing, I’ve received lots of emails from people who thought they were Calvinists and had no idea double predestination was a part of the package. That’s some pretty important fine print to be unaware of.   And as noted in an earlier post (and in Kevin’s as well), I think Calvin would be with me here, because he himself admitted that the doctrine of double predestination was “terrible.” So while it’s fair for Kevin to push me a bit here, I...

Global Dreams and Local Things

By on Mar 26, 2014

More I have a problem. A couple of months ago, my first book was published and that meant some changes for me. Mainly, it meant more—more Twitter followers and mentions, more emails in my inbox each morning, more status, more praise, more criticism, more requests, more hits when you make the amateur mistake of googling your name. More. And yet while the “more” piled, there were two things I didn’t get any more of: time and energy.   Across the Pond! A few weeks back, someone at my church asked if they could come and meet with me. I got in front of my calendar on Monday and saw that my week was slammed. I told him I couldn’t meet that week. A few days later, I was doing a radio interview about the book with a show based in London. I couldn’t help but take a little pride in it—talking about my book to someone “across the pond”! I finished with the interview and all I could think about was the person I had refused to meet with so I could do book stuff instead. And in that moment, I felt a little prick of guilt. It wasn’t the nauseating, pit in your stomach sort. It was more like guilt was tapping me on the shoulder, inviting a conversation. This is what guilt told me.   No Lasting Remembrance First, the “world” doesn’t need you—your thoughts, your ideas, your book. You name it, the world doesn’t need it. It was doing fine without it and will be long after you’re gone. That’s not to say it isn’t good or couldn’t be a blessing, but let the visions of grandeur return to the dust from which you came and will return. Say it with me, Austin: My [fill in the blank] will not echo into eternity, and even if it blooms into something many gaze upon and appreciate, it will all too soon whither and be no more. As wise Solomon once said, “There is no lasting remembrance of even the wise man.”   Locality Second, you are a local thing. That should be intuitive but since you’ve grown up listening to a story in which everyone is a member of a “worldwide community”, it might sound a bit strange. Well ponder in amazement, but while technology has greatly enhanced our ability to know and influence the wider world, we are still walking piles of dirt that can only inhabit a tiny speck of reality. You may harbor global dreams, but you’re an inescapably local thing. Your mind and ambitions can transverse the globe but your feet will always occupy one square foot of earth at a time. The fact that you can exercise massive amounts of influence and authority over people outside your actual locale does not necessarily mean you should. Brueggemann says it well:   “…the world is not available to us…it mocks our pitiful efforts at control, mastery, and domination. How odd that to leave off our anxious pursuit of domination, an act that seems like a loss of control, is only to acknowledge that the world is not ours, cannot be ours, and need not be ours.”[1]   A Theology of Locale I think my guilt had a point. While becoming too insular and hoarding resources that others could use is a massive problem, much harm is done when we build a Babel and persistently outreach our locality under the guise of the greater world needing something from us. I think a theology of locale would do us all some good. In the church, perhaps a robust theology of locale would help cultivate leaders and artists whose highest aspiration is (gasp!) to share their work with their community. Such a novel idea! Believing there is no higher call than sharing your best stuff with your community. Believing that God can be trusted to resource self-sustaining communities that don’t need to outsource all their work to the few elites who have the real goods. Believing that if you live a life of small faithfulness, loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself, you’ve done all God asked you to do. Let go of your global dreams and be a local thing. By the grace of God, I’m trying to walk that tightrope between blessing the wider world with whatever meager gifts I have to offer, while giving my best stuff to the actual people around me. I hope you are too. Here are a few orienting thoughts that might help you embrace the dirt under you, the people in front of you, and the community around you.   -Surrender to your littleness. -Make sure you’re giving your best stuff to your community. -Spend more time loving the person in front of you than you do worrying about faceless masses you’ll never meet. [1] Walter Brueggemann, Texts Under Negotiation,...